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Open the knowledge of your Akashic records.

Gain access to your life’s energetic archive, revealing the underlying choices shaping your present reality, and gain profound insights to navigate your journey with clarity and purpose.

Open the knowledge of your Akashic records.

Gain access to your life’s energetic archive, revealing the underlying choices shaping your present reality, and gain profound insights to navigate your journey with clarity and purpose.

Your Book of Lives | Tarot Reading

What are the akashic records?

Imagine the Akashic Records as a boundless celestial library suspended in the vastness of the universe. Within this cosmic repository, every soul possesses its own unique tome chronicling its journey across countless lifetimes. These volumes, crafted not from earthly materials but from the ethereal essence of Akasha, resonate with the energy of every thought, deed, and emotion ever experienced.

Within this infinite expanse, the shelves extend endlessly, containing not just the echoes of the past and the realities of the present but also the unwritten pages of potential futures. Delving into the Akashic Records through spiritual exploration is akin to unfurling the pages of your soul’s manuscript, revealing the intricate weave of past lives and karmic threads.

I will guide you on this journey of self-discovery as a lantern of wisdom, casting light upon the path of your existence. With this metaphorical beacon, I will illuminate the twists and turns of your life’s narrative, giving you clarity on your past, insight into the present, and guidance for shaping your future.

Furthermore, you would share up to 5 questions regarding your current circumstances and challenges, allowing me to seek guidance from the guides to provide you with clarity. Tarot and/or oracle cards may be incorporated into the message to provide additional depth and wisdom, tailored to your needs. Energy Healing remains a cornerstone of my sessions, fostering equilibrium and tranquility for my clients.

With a steadfast commitment to privacy and autonomy, I pledge to address only inquiries pertaining to your own life or situations directly affecting you. I respect the sanctity of personal boundaries and will never intrude upon another’s sacred space without their explicit consent (meaning: I won’t answer questions about other individuals’ lives).

Your Book of Lives | Tarot Reading

How does the Akashic Records’ reading sessions work?

The individual sessions take place offline, with connections established through video chat before and after each session.

  • Before diving into the session itself, we allocate approximately 10 minutes to establish a strong connection. During this time, clients are encouraged to express any primary concerns they may have about the upcoming session.
  • Sessions typically run for about 40 minutes, during which I kindly request clients to maintain a meditative, quiet environment, free from distractions (including setting cell phones to silent mode).
  • Following the session’s conclusion, I send clients a voice message while still channeling, allowing for the sharing of any additional messages or sensations. This voice message provides an additional avenue for healing, as clients can access and reflect on the content as needed.
  • To wrap up the appointment, I reconnect with clients after they’ve had the chance to listen to the voice message. This allows us to discuss any feelings, sensations, or insights that arose during the session, fostering further exploration and understanding.






Disclaimer: You are responsible for your own life and decisions. Isis & “Your Book of Lives” take no responsibility for individual interpretations nor are qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice. Please, refer to our Terms and Conditions before booking your session.

My first experience with the Your Book of Lives and Akashic Records Hypnotherapy and Isis has been very powerful! So much that I can’t wait for the next one. I got called to the Akashic Records looking for some answers and at first, I got a bit worried, not knowing what to expect. I wanted to try it on my own, but I got called to Isis. Thanks, Universe, for it! Isis made me feel very comfortable and safe, by the time we started the reading, fear was gone, Isis creating that beautiful loving space for me.

Laure P.

I’ve had the pleasure of going through this amazing experience with Isis and I can only tell it went “beyond my imagination”. I never felt so calm and relaxed, it was a unique moment, an unexplainable connection. Isis’ work opens up our minds and allows things that we don’t normally understand to make sense, bringing an inner sense of peace and direction – which was so important to me.

Jacqueline S.

A few days ago, I had an experience that left me speechless! Even if I could use all the syntax, semantics, and pragmatics available, I wouldn’t be able to describe the sensations that the session has brought me. Very strong connections were established, I felt closer to my spirituality and I received a clearer understanding of who I am, of why I am and what else I can become.

Nayara C.

Understand your past to write your future

You are worthy of a fulfilling life in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

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